Sunday, February 10, 2008

Good News, For Now

Just a quick note that the lawyer, aka date #3, called today. I was really happy. We just chatted about politics and our work, and he said he would talk to me later. It seems he is quite deliberative and moves slowly. I think that he wants to go out again, but it may take him a few phone calls to get there (We didn't set up our first date until our second phone call). Plus, I told him that my mom will be in town this weekend, which is true. So, I am trying to be cautiously optimistic about a second date and not think beyond that. This was a quick infusion of self-esteem at a time when I REALLY needed it.

I figured that since I have been complaining so much about my life, I would tell you all about this. Thanks for "listening."

Also, my blog was featured on Haveil-Havalim today. I'm so excited. I'm hoping to get some more readers who don't know me personally. Thanks a lot to Shira and Jack for recommending this to me.

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