Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stop Locking!

Another blog that I read a lot, which shall remain nameless, has been locked. It is now "open to invited readers only." Why do people do this? More specifically, why do they do it without warning their readers? If you're going to lock your blog, is it really too much to ask to throw up a post a few days before you plan on locking it, asking your interested readers to contact you if they want to continue to read your blog? You might get a few hostile e-mails from your usual online enemies, but it will be over in two days.

I also think, now that I am on the subject, that bloggers need to get over themselves. I realize that getting over oneself is pretty much the opposite impulse from the one that leads to blogging. But how important do you think your little blog is? Also, if your blog is controversial, how do you not expect to get negative comments? Nobody reads my blog, and I never say much that is controversial, and I'm fine with both. But if you can't take the heat . . .

I realize that sometimes hate blogging can cross the line into harassment, and I am in no way condoning that. But anything short of that . . . deal with it.


Shira Salamone said...

My own experience has been that, since I try to maintain a civil blog, I've managed to avoid getting too many hostile comments despite the fact that my posts are often controversial.

For reasons unknown, I usually can't see the Word Verification letters on your blog, which is why I comment much less frequently than I'd like. Check out your post about Ruth--I left a comment yesterday.

frum single female said...

i agree with you katrina. they should at least warn people that they are going to make their blog private before doing so.
as for me, i dont have enough readers or commenters to have to worry about making it private. then again im not all that contraversial on my blog.
in a way , i always thought the idea of blogging is to have it be public.

smoo said...

Some people use their blog as a means of venting or rather expressing their innermost feelings that may not jive with their outward life in family or community. If someone figures it out, those people fear ostracism and hunker down. For instance, I know a divorced person who found out her ex somehow found her blog and was using her posts to build a case against her in court. Once something is public it can't be taken back.

Anonymous said...

How do you read and keep track of blogs and their posts? What service/s or software application/s do you use?